Dating Market Failure 3 - Modern Dating Failures

And some solutions that will get you through it.

Trey Hamilton


Imagine you live in a medium-sized town, and this town gets all of its water supply just a few miles away from this single lake. The lake has no rivers that flow into it. So it has to rely on nothing but rainfall to maintain its size.

Everyone understands if the lake is exploited, it may dry up one day.

So protecting it is extremely important.

However, there is one big problem: people may understand the Lake’s importance as a collective. But you can never really rely on people to do the right thing. As individuals, unless you introduce laws or limits on how much water each person can use, nothing can stop anyone from taking more from the lake than they should.

So what ends up happening is 10% of the people turn a completely blind eye to the lake’s preservation. Humans are doing what humans do best and grabbing as much water as their greedy little bellies can muster.

They decide to grow massive green lawns, wash their vehicles daily, and install fountains, which are all very water-intensive. And in the short term, this 10% of the population is very happy, but unfortunately, this was never sustainable, and slowly but surely, the lake dried up, and the 10%…



Trey Hamilton

Author - The First Date Fix - Dating Coach - Content Creator -Dog Dad | follow me for some ramblings of a millennial who has dated. A LOT! TheFirstDateFix.Com