What are the 8 most definitive stages of dating?
I have believed and learned for the longest time that relationships usually stick to a pretty common formula. If you know of this formula and specific points where you and your potential life partner might be at. It makes things easier to understand and get through.
Phase One: Attraction
Our relationships first begin when we set eyes on our new person, although we haven’t started dating yet, we feel an undeniable pull towards this enchanting new person. We like their style, and overall vibe and are very much into most parts of their personality.
You may feel brave enough to walk up and introduce yourself, who knows? You might even start flirting, dropping a compliment here and there to gauge if their attraction levels are the same as yours.
In 2022, this initial stage, will most likely not even take place in person. Many people meet someone new on social media or through a dating app. What matters here though is you remember how all of this feels or felt and you lean into undeniable emotions and cloud yourself in the moment.
Phase Two: Learning all about them
Once you’re attracted to someone you usually end up feeling a desire to learn more about them. You want to know how they came to be so awesome…