What Bad First Dates vs Good First Dates look like!

Trey Hamilton
7 min readJun 14, 2022

So you’ve asked someone out on a first date via a dating app, and they said yes!


But wait, now what?

A little pressure and some smooth waves of anxiety might hit you. All of the swiping and crafting the perfect conversation to understand them and build attraction, it wasn’t easy and it’s all for nothing if you can’t sow the seeds of attraction in real life.

Or is it?

I’ve got your back and whether you’re new to the first date scene, slightly burned out, jaded or some what of a pro this here’s a clear list of what bad first dates look like.

I promise this list will be:

  • Fun for the both of you
  • Cheap and inexpensive
  • They WILL want a second date!

Remember this list is far more about having fun than pulling out all the stops and going on a “bachelor=esque” first date.

What does a bad first date look like?



Trey Hamilton

Author - The First Date Fix - Dating Coach - Content Creator -Dog Dad | follow me for some ramblings of a millennial who has dated. A LOT! TheFirstDateFix.Com